FIELDS OF PAIN (Published)

Bitterly, I know of my misdeeds,
And the carnage that lies in my wake;
Myself among the ruins
Where your heart lay bleeding,
Until you passed it by.

I have returned there
To the battlefield;
In my dreams for so long, until –
Until I could sleep no longer.
So I went with conscience,
Repenting to that place;
And all I found were scars,
And two beating bloodied hearts.

When I heard their whispered moans
My soul recoiled
For there we lay
You and I,
Two disembodied lovers,
Our hearts;
Beating blindly against the cold
Beating still
Beyond the lives we live apart.

I took up my heart,
And brought it back to me;
But of yours,
When I wished to keep it as my own,
All I can say
Is how it twisted in my grasp,
Loath to go with the one who caused its pain.

My heart inside my breast still weeps for you,
And its twin in love,
Your heart.
And it, as I, must only be content
With the little we absorbed
Of You.

Until perhaps, you too return
To the fields of pain
And find your heart
Bleeding in the dust
And listen to its whispered pleas
To re-unite
What should never have been torn apart.

(Moongazer 1988)

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